Broken Glass of the Broken Windshield After a Heavy Car Accident and at the Back Lady Talk Over Phone

Auto Accidents

Each year, auto accidents injure or kill millions of Americans. Some of the causes of accidents include texting, distracted drivers, drunk driving, fatigue, and aggressive driving. Approximately 40% of car wrecks and crashes are fatal and involve alcohol. If an automobile accident occurs between midnight and 3 am, the percentage increases to 75%.

Different types of car accidents can include head-on collisions, rollovers, rear-enders, side impacts, and more. Car wrecks are the number one and most deadly source of personal injury in the world. The percentage of being involved in a car crash or auto accident increases by 400% if one is talking on a cell phone.

Auto Accidents Can Cause

  • Brain injuries and brain damage such as bruising, bleeding, tearing, and swelling;
  • Spinal injuries including bulging disc, herniated disc, nerve impingement, damage to the motor and sensory pathways, injury to the center of the cervical area of the spinal cord, injury to the right or left side of the spinal cord, loss of sensory and motor function, and bruising;
  • Orthopedic injuries such as broken or fractured bone, strained or sprained muscles, or torn ligaments and tendons;
  • Burns affecting the skin or burns that can affect airways; and
  • Pain such as traumatic pain, an injury, or a wound caused by an external force, and/or mental pain such as post-traumatic stress disorder.
Towing Van Carrying the Accident Car
Scales of Justice and Judge`s Gavel

Why Choose the Shunnarah Law Firm

Everyone should have equal access to the legal system. I represent clients on a contingency basis, which means you will pay no up-front fees or out-of-pocket expenses, and you only pay an attorney fee if I win or settle your personal injury lawsuit. The Shunnarah Law Firm has a proven track record of recovering millions of dollars of compensation for our clients. I have over 30 years of trial experience. We will thoroughly investigate your lawsuit and work to develop the strongest and most persuasive case possible.

Serious and Catastrophic Injuries

The trauma from an auto accident can require expensive medical treatment, harm your ability to work, and cause severe pain and suffering. In many cases, the injuries are permanent. We can try to help answer the following important questions that you may have:

  • Can I get medical treatment?
  • Who will pay my medical bills?
  • How can I provide for my family if I cannot work?
  • If my injuries are permanent, how will I get by?
  • Which doctor should I go to?

Book an appointment today for all your questions.

MRI of Brain ( Cross Section of Brain )