Lead Poisoning
Lead poisoning is very dangerous for all humans, especially children. Typically, lead enters the body when ingested through paint chips, dust, or contaminated soil.
Exposure to lead-based paint can result in lead poisoning and potentially serious health issues that can be permanent. Children have tendencies to put anything they find in their mouths, and even a tiny amount of lead-based paint can lead to potentially life-changing and dangerous health problems.
There is no cure for lead poisoning, which means prevention is immensely important. Lead poisoning is preventable, and once sources of lead have been recognized, they need to be removed immediately.
Where Lead Can Be Found
Generally, lead poison is found in older homes or apartments. Prior to 1978, paint contained lead, and homes that were built before 1978 were painted with lead-based paint. Using lead-based paint was banned by the federal government in 1978 because of the harmful and dangerous effects it has and can have on people and their families. Lead-based paint remains can be found in private or public housing, inside or outside a home or apartment, on walls, on windowsills, in the soil, on toys, or on furniture.
Warning Signs That Could Mean Your Child Has Been Exposed to Lead Paint:
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